Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming
April 10, 2017
It was around this time last year that I was getting ready to start preparing for my first day as an official Jr. Makeup Artist for the Jen Evoy Makeup Team. I remember laying awake in bed before my very first booking, not be able to sleep from all the excitement and anxiety I had.
Ever since I can remember I had wanted to be a makeup artist. I use to play beauty parlor with anyone I could get my hands on. My poor mother had to endure afternoons filled with fuchsia lip stick, blue eye shadow and blotchy pink cheeks. Did I mention I also did her hair.
I have officially worked my first wedding season in 2016, and to this day I still feel like I need to pinch myself. When you dream about something for so long its almost hard to accept that it has become your reality. After 1 year of being with the team I finally earned my spot on the Jen Evoy Makeup Studios website. Which was a huge deal for me.
I had the privilege of getting dolled up by one of the senior artists at Jen Evoy Makeup Studios for my official head shot. I swear after that day I must have visited the company site 3 times a day just to see if my photo had gone up in its reserved spot.
One sweet day, as I was doing my daily check, there I was. Little ole me, mixed in with a bunch of strong, talented, passionate and driven group of women. It was not only an honor, but I felt like I finally made it.
Working with the Jen Evoy Makeup team this past year I have gained so much confidence in my art, and in myself. I have learned so much and cannot wait to continue to learn and perfect my craft. I feel so blessed to be able to work along side such a wide group of talented and amazing women.
I must admit, waking up at 4am still feels like a chore, but nothing can replace the feeling of doing what you love and in turn sharing what you love to do with someone else.
I cant wait to share some of my work with you guys, and all the fun adventures that come along with being a Jr. Makeup Artist for the JE Team.
If you want to check me out on their site check out the link below.
Joana Rita