The Holidays are here and everything seems be decorated in red! But if there is one thing this holiday season that I don’t want even a touch of redness on is my face! RIGHT YOU GUYS! =)
Well I’m sure you have all heard of colour correctors. They have everything from spot treatment to an all over application. They come in all sorts of colours and uses. I would have to say that covering up that annoying little red spot, or your constant flushed cheeks is defiantly always on our facial do to list!
GUESS WHAT! =) uh huh that’s right, another Jo.Ritaaa approved product! While at the IMATS I picked up this nifty little product that was actually recommend to me by one of my fellow classmates. It’s by Yaby Cosmectics and is an all over colour corrector.
I have tried it out a couple times on myself and on some of my clients. What I love about it is that you simply mix it in with you first coat of foundation, sooooo easy you guys! The best part is that it works!
While in school and even when doing clients I sometimes find that it is safe to go with an all over corrector. They work wonders on clients who always have a flushes completion, and they will love you for it!
If you have any all over correctors that do need you to take that extra step for mixing. It always helps to have a little container for your mixing. Remember ladies that less is always more. When I use my Yaby colour corrector I always use a tiny bit of it and mix it in with about a quarter size of foundation, if I feel the redness is still there or I have more area to cover I will mix more. It’s always better to have to make more then to waste product!
Have a safe and happy holiday season you guys!