Squat For Days... Well 30 Actually

March 09, 2015

Hey Loves!

 I have a vacation coming up that I'm really looking forward to. One week all inclusive on the beautiful sunny beaches of Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba.

I decided to pop into Old Navy the other day to get some shorts and sun dresses for my trip. I was very pleased to find out I can now squeeze into a size 12! Its a Tight squeeze but I'm Still happy! WOO HOO. Non scale victory! :)

The not so exciting part was my legs. Since my weight loss journey there is definitely some extra jiggle and cellulite. I've always had BIG legs but they felt more compact. It was a bitter sweet moment for me. I'm proud at how far I've come, but it also makes me realize that a still have a LONG way to go. And that's okay with me.

I had gone to visit my sister in law that night and we got to talking about legs, squats and big butts. She had told me that she had been doing the squat challenge with her best friend via Face time. They Face Time every day and squat it out. I thought that was a such a great and fun idea.

Also, I was talking to my boyfriend about it this weekend and he agreed it's a beneficial and fun challenge try. He's really great about helping me out on my journey. Very Supportive and motivational. Any questions that I have in regards to working out or diet related he does his best to answer me. And if he doesn't know the answer he will Google his little heart out and answer to the best of his knowledge.

I have exactly 29 days until my trip. The challenge is on! BAM. I will be doing the 30 Squat and Lunge Challenge! I will be doing this challenge along with my cardio and weight training routine.

What better way is there to get some extra motivation then to look at your jiggly pale legs and realise they will be exposed for all of Cuba to see. I'm definitely being dramatic, but it works.

I hope this motivates some of you to do the challenge with me. I'm excited to see what changes can happen in in 30 days. I will be posting a before and after photo at the end of my challenge.

If you're feeling inspired check out this fun website I came across. 30 Day Fitness Challenge. I will definitely be doing some more challenges in the future.



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